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Thomas Phillips

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Status available
Release Date 2020
Limitation 24 copies
Size 16 × 24 cm
Pages 124
ISBN 978-3-945795-73-6
Edition lettered edition
Workmanship The lettered edition’s title is made of affixed 3D Perspex letters and it has red edges. Thread-stitched hardcover, head- and tailband, silk ribbon page marker. Signed by the author.


“The point being, I am coming to know you, too ... It's what I do, how I pursue love.” Being known in Thomas Phillips’ sixth novel, where horror-infused atmospheres collide with searing cultural critique and ample levity, isn't necessarily preferable. Love is infinite, and exquisitely haunted, the protagonist contends, to the degree that it abolishes the prison house of sentimentality. How this abolition unfolds is where folly ends and dynamic darkness begins.